Our commitment

To make the goodness and the variety of our rich fruit and vegetable heritage to the new generations so that they can become informed consumers, aware of the importance of eating properly.

The production of good and healthy fruit and vegetables commits us every day but this is not enough because we are convinced that the future of our fruit and vegetables and therefore of our farmers depends on our ability to make known to the new generations the goodness and variety of our very rich fruit and vegetable heritage so that they can become informed consumers, aware of the importance of eating properly. For this reason, Agrintesa, through its commercial company Alegra, has been participating for years in the European program "Fruit in schools" aimed at increasing the consumption of fruit and vegetables by children between 6 and 11 years old and to implement initiatives that support more correct eating habits and a more balanced nutrition, in the phase in which they form their eating habits.

The program also has the following aims:

to establish a closer relationship between the "producer-supplier" and the consumer, directing the selection criteria and the individual actions so that a new knowledge and awareness is established between "who produces" and "who consumes";

To offer children many occasions repeated over time to learn and "concretely verify" different natural products in variety and type, such as alternative choice options, to be able to move through the constant pressures of advertising and develop a capacity for an informed choice.

To the primary schools that decide to join the Mipaaf program is carried out a distribution of fruit and vegetables which is accompanied by information on the characteristics of the products, in terms of quality, nutritional and health aspects, seasonality, territoriality and respect for the environment, addressed both to teachers and to parents, in order to extend the effect of consumption induction; appropriate equipment is also provided, within the limits indicated by the community regulation, able to support the distribution, use and tasting of the products distributed.

The friendly slogan adopted by the Ministry, "SE LA MANGI, TI FRUTTA" "IF YOU EAT IT, IT FRUITS YOU"embodies all the qualities and the "beneficial" potential that can be obtained through greater consumption of fruit and vegetables, aware of our important role in this process of "promoting trust" in young consumers and their families, we work together every day to produce the best.

In this important commitment of promotion and with the aim to involve with new communication tools, even adult consumers, Apo Conerpo, our reference OP, has developed and promoted the "Fruit 24" project to encourage the demand for fruit and vegetables. This program offers innovative and rewarding consumer repertoires linked to the different moments of the day and to the different seasons for a natural, healthy diet that is in line with the widespread tendency to wellbeing. For more information visit www.fruit24.it/fruit24/



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